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CFCD (French DC Society) meeting - December 4- 5 2025 in Paris, France

We are happy to announce that the next French DC Society international meeting will take place in Paris, France.
We have a great line up of speakers, so save the date...

Dates: 4th to 5th December 2025

Location: Institut Curie, Paris

Registration will start in June 2025

Confirmed Speakers

1. Marc Bajenoff - Centre d'Immunology Marseille Luminy (CIML), Marseille, France
2. Gaetan Barbet - Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
3. Yasmine Belkaid - Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
4. Federica Benvenuti - International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy
5. Chrysothemis Brown - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York,USA
6. Johan Garaude - Immunoconcept, Bordeaux, France
7. Emmanuel Gautier - Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
8. Evangelos Giampazolias - Cancer Research UK, Manchester, UK
9. Joel Haas - Institut Pasteur, Lille, France
10. Mariola Kurowaska-Stolarska - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
11. Dan Littman - New York University, New York, USA
12. Damya Laoui - VIB-VUB Center for Inflammation Research, Brussels, Belgium
13. Filipe Pereira - Lund University, Lund, Sweden
14. Andreas Schlitzer - LIMES - Institut, Bonn University, Bonn, Germany
15. Elena Tomasello - Centre d'Immunology Marseille Luminy (CIML), Marseille, France
16. Simon Yona - University College London, UCL, London, UK.